Personal Finance

Start saving money using these easy and handy tools

There are some excellent apps available that can help you control your finances and save money efficiently, so you aren’t constantly loosing sleep thinking about expenses and savings. We have assembled a list of few of those great apps here, Mint One of the first web-based budgeting tools is Mint. Users of Mint can link […]

Personal Finance

Follow these easy money saving tips to save for the future

Starting to save money can occasionally be the most difficult part. Despite your best efforts to save expenses, something always unexpectedly arises. In actuality, nothing has to magically fall into place for you to begin saving money. It won’t appear if you wait for the “perfect time” to come along. Now is the ideal moment […]

Personal Finance

Here is why Financial Education is very important in Today’s world

What do Mike Tyson, 50 Cent, Nicholas Cage, Anil Ambani, and Mark Twain have in common? Many people will answer that all of them are famous personalities who have achieved the pinnacle of success in their respective fields. However, not many people know that, although they all had made a lot of money (millions and […]

Education Personal Finance

Investment options for beginners in India

If you’re just getting started, investing may seem overwhelming, but it’s an essential step in growing wealth and saving for a variety of financial objectives. Don’t become too preoccupied with whether or not now is the ideal time to begin investing because you will come across a variety of market settings during your investing career. […]

Education Personal Finance

Basics about Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) in India

If you are a startup or soon-to be one, obtaining DSC is one of the basic requirements for registering your business entity in India. Here is all the basic information one needs to know about DSC. What is Digital Signature Certificate Digital Signature Certificates (DSC) are the digital equivalent (that is electronic format) of physical […]

Personal Finance

Ten interesting occupations from the past

We have come a long way since the advent of civilization, and looking back at it will give us a sense on all great things we achieved thus far in the ever-changing world. While some of these changes were certain, others were embraced due to the need and demands of society. Among all, occupations kept evolving overtime in newer forms. […]